Gender-based violence: 9 projects to tackle it
ROME - 28 March 2019

Nine projects have been selected within the Call for proposals “Combating Violence Against Women”, which aims to foster gender equality and overcome gender stereotypes. CON IL SUD Foundation promoted the call in 2017.
Gender-based violence is a widespread phenomenon in Italy, although mostly unknown: according to Istat, in 2014, almost 7 million women were victim of physical or sexual abuse. More than 100 women are murdered every year by their actual of former partner.
Through this call for proposals, CON IL SUD Foundation granted 2 million euros to support the selected initiatives, with an average of 220 thousand euros per project. Their main objective is to promote labor integration for the victims of violence, provide legal and psychological assistance and carry out events to raise awareness on the topic, especially among the younger generations.
The projects are described as follows, broken down by the region where they take place.
The project “Un’altra via d’uscita” intends to strengthen, in several municipalities of the province of Naples, services to combat violence against women and treatment services for abusive men; to integrate the project beneficiaries in the social and professional circle; and to start educational courses on healthy relationships. Granted with 260 thousand euros.
The project “S.A.L.V.A. Sostegno alle Azioni di Lotta contro la Violenza per l’Autonomia” aims to promote living and working independence of women in the Sanità District of Naples, by supporting their process of leaving violent situations. More specifically, in a space provided by the Association A Ruota Libera, an assistance desk will be set up and offer career guidance, psychological and legal support. 225 thousand euros granted.
The project “Sostegno Antiviolenza Rete Attiva – S.A.R.A.”, aims to put a spotlight on the violence against women phenomenon in certain isolated and poorly connected places in the province of Salerno, intervening both on the development of services and on strengthening the independence and self-sufficiency of women survivors of violence. 180 thousand euros granted.
The project “BE HELP-IS” intends to establish an inter-institutional, anti-violence network in the province of Avellino designed to empower women at risk by providing orientation, training, social and work (re)integration and by educating the new generations about healthy relationships. 135 thousand euros granted.
The project “Stelle e Luci” will take full charge of issues surrounding violence against women in Calabria. A social and work (re)integration of women survivors of violence will be provided by offering support, the activation of 44 job placements, and the opening of 5 anti-violence assistance desks. 280 thousand euros granted.
The project “D.E.A.R – Donne Emersione Autonomia Rete” aims to fight the gender-based violence phenomenon by acting in areas such as prevention, victim protection, and promotion of integrated policies across the territories of Catanzaro and Crotone in Calabria, and Cerreto Sannita in Campania. The proposed project is to be integrated within initiatives already in place and developed both by the project leader and by the partner. In an effort to assist more cases, a Women’s Camper will start operating and in this way provide support services to women who have experienced gender-based violence. 210 thousand euros granted.
The project “Svoltare“, which is being developed in the province of Foggia, aims at strengthening the prevention services and exposing of violence against women cases. In particular, a training course will be provided for the anti-violence service providers of the province to change them into ‘guards against violence.’ 190 thousand euros granted.
The project “Via delle Donne – Sanfra“, The project intends to promote various activities to combat gender-violence in the three territories of Puglia: Lecce, Taranto, and Bari. In particular, it provides social and work inclusion initiatives for about 14 women as well as co-housing experiences connected to the anti-violence centres and managed by the network of the three municipalities. 250 thousand euros granted.
The project “AMORU’ aims to create a well-connected, anti-violence network, which will support and care for women and children survivors of violence in the province of Palermo. In particular, 3 counselling centres and one shelter will be opened in the municipalities of Altavilla Milicia, Villabate, and Palermo. Various activities will also be put in motion to promote independence of women survivors of violence including: establishment of a social cooperative and an e-commerce platform to sell agricultural products. 270 thousand euros granted.